
Rike Lange - Producer / Writer 


"Wir sind Viele - jeder einzelne von uns"

(We are many - each one of us) 


With her first education in office management at the ministry of women, education and youth, accompanied by a course as multi media designer, Rike had a strong start for the multiple career paths that lead to her profession as a creative producer. 


Throughout the next 5 years, working as office assistant and communication trainer for marketing agencies, she finished her high school diploma at Abendgymnasium Wiesbaden. 


Rike studied comparative literature at Vienna University while discovering the local short film scene. This mind changing encounter led into working for the international film and television industry, where she found another dimension of different working fields. 


With the intention to dive as deep into the structures of production processes as possible, she encountered various roles and departments. Starting as a production assistant, she made her way into set desgin, casting, project management and director's assistance. 


Since being back in Germany in 2014, she works as a freelance creative producer, writer and project manager for TV broadcasters and production companies, such as ARTE, MDR Kultur, ITV Studios Germany and many others. From 2017 to 2023 she studied Creative Producing at German Film and Television Academy Berlin. 


Her passion is dedicated to stories with transformational potential including an organic structured production process.